Proposition for a Union of Republics

National assembly (Althing) of the National Republic of Iceland has proposed?the following points as a working draft to open a dialogue with other Republics worldwide for establishing a Union of Republics.

  • A Union of Republics (U.R.), is a union of sovereign and autonomous republics world wide?who have a proven process of granting all its citizens access to authentic and dynamic – or direct – democracy in praxis.
  • The general assembly of the U.R. has no authority over its member states.
  • A resolution of the U.R. must be unanymously accepted by all member states in order to have any effect or validity.
  • Member states of the U.R. do not engage in warfare?against other states or entities outside their natural or otherwise devised and accepted borders.
  • Conflict between member states must be resolved through dialogue and/or arbitration in all instances where possible.
  • Member states of the U.R. view violence as a last resort of an exhausted mind.

The above points are proposed as a simple working draft and an opening for further dialogue and discussion. Other points are currently being discussed and?this page will be updated or appendixed in the coming weeks (2017).

The National Republic of Iceland has accepted a decree to open a dialogue with other republics – and/or micronations – around the world and chosen two officials to represent the state if such dialogue should?occur.

It has also been accepted to translate the constitution of the National Republic of Iceland from Icelandic into English as soon as possible and is already underway.




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